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Learn English at home with Grace's Classroom!

Grace's Classroom offers virtual, fully-customized private and group English lessons - starting at only $40 per hour.


Contact me to get started!


Grace Miller


What does Grace's Classroom emphasize?

Offering lessons for students ages 7 and up, Grace's Classroom 

specializes in building reading, writing, conversation, test preparation, and test taking skills. I often compare my students to builders. A good builder has numerous tools in their tool belt, so they can complete a number of different projects. I work diligently to provide students with as many tools for their belts as I can, ensuring they are well equipped for the world ahead!


A house cannot stand on an unsteady foundation. Reading and understanding what you read is at the heart of all learning!


Building confidence in conversation is essential to increasing fluency in any language. Each lesson will involve in-depth discussion of material, teaching your child to think complexly and articulate that through speech.


Writing is a vastly undervalued art and a skill you will use for your whole life. I believe in honing this skill early on to facilitate success in all areas!

Reviews for Grace's Classroom

Hear from proud parents like you!

Cutout Stars

"Grace is an experienced English teacher. She is so passionate and very patient with children. Grace built up an excellent framework for English reading and learning, helping students to read deeply and learn key points of the text. Her personality is perfect for kids and she is extremely encouraging . Children want to learn from her! I strongly recommend you to consider her as English teacher for your children."

Yan, proud parent - China
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